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Pilots eject before Fighter Jet crashes into buildings in Virginia

A potentially devastating tragedy was narrowly avoided on Friday, after two quick thinking pilots prevented scores of potential deaths by dumping fuel from their doomed F-18 Navy fighter jet as it plummeted to the ground in Virginia.

The plane did however crash into an apartment building, ripping the roofs off condos, town houses and a retirement community. The two pilots safely ejected from the air craft before hitting the ground. Dumping much of their fuel is likely to have prevented a ‘massive fireball’ from erupting.

So far, no known fatalities have been reported, however concern is growing over three elderly people who are unacconted for.

Fiver civilians on the ground were taken to hospital for treatment of minor injuries along with the two pilots. All have been released from hospital.

The jet, crashed at the Mayfield Mews apartment complex, about a mile from the Atlantic Ocean, after suffering ‘catastrophic mechanical malfunction’ during a training flight, Navy Captain Mark Weisgerber said from the Pentagon.

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